Anyways, later we went to the food market. Dont have anything to report to my bosses back at ICA Maxi tho, other than all their products have more colors than an LSD-trip and that they all come in bigpacks.
Saw this little badboy at Dominos while doing Brooklyn. I really couldn't care less if these people can't point out Europe on a world map, this invention is nothing short of genius.. It's such a charming way of thinking (although its the mind of a 5-year old in play); One good thing plus one good thing equals a supergood thing. It's like putting marshmellow in your spaghetti and expect it to work.
Later that night we went to Greenwich Village and a really cool place called Fat Cat. This could definitely be my main hang-out if it existed in Sweden. Billiards, ping-pong, live bands, funny looking bartenders, cheap beer and a generally cool atmosphere. I'm thinking there must be like thousands of places like this in N.Y which makes living here seem even more appealing.
If I'm forced to point out one good thing about being a swede, it's that noone understands the language, which means you without worries could sit and discuss peoples weight problems, how they dont deserve their supercute girlfriend etc on the subway. It's pretty much like talking to a cat; as long as you say it with a happy tone, they are as thrilled if you say "I'm going to take this fork, shove it into your head and feast on you for breakfast" as "aaw I love you, you're my best friend next to coco pops and Jack Bauer".
Apparently I share room with a guy who takes talking-in-your-sleep to a whole new level. In the beginning I didn't realize that, and therefore responded and answered him, but I got pissed when he totally ignored me and fell asleep. Later I was told I shouted to him in MY sleep; OK ENOUGH IS FUCKING ENOUGH, ARE YOU TALKING TO ME OR WHAT???".
Communication is everything in a healthy relationship.
2 kommentarer:
Nu har jag blivit medlem för att kunna kommentera.. jag har precis upptäckt oreos här hemma å det e riktigt mumsmums! men oreospizza..? tack men nej tack..
väntar fortfarande på klassikern "davven låser in sig på toaletten"
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