söndag 7 oktober 2007

Ooohhhh I hope it's a ballad

If you aim to really squeeze out every second of your stay here in New York, it's vital to start the day in the best way possible. And what way could be better than use local products in order to get that engine running?

Sunny D: the juice that contains 5% juice and, according to wikipedia, turned a girl orange.

Cocoa Puffs: Coco Pops apparently makes you tall since I ate it every day growing up and is above that an orchestra of flavor and health. Since Cocoa Puffs is the XXXL version, you do the math. Also, the commercial is great; a huge rooster screaming "I'm kaka for cocoa puffs".

I dont remember the name of this cereal so I'll just let the picture itself promote this one:

Combine at least 2 of these products (or order the Oreo-pizza from my previous post) and you are ready do New York to the fullest.

Anyways, I saw this woman on the subway today who was hillarious. She stood up in the middle of the train and sang(yelled) "LALA IM SO HAPPY" three (3) times in a row, and then started walking around with a hat upside down, collecting money for her performance. Actually gave her a dollar, apparently something good comes out of using crack.

The other day we visited Central park, which is basically Slottskogen (a park in Gothenburg) but instead of being surrounded by 3-store appartments with wooden floorboards there are skyscrapes, instead of mooses and seals they have tons of squirrels, and instead of drunk 14-year olds there are intellectual people smoking weed inhabiting the place. This picture is taken at the very outskirt of the park:

One of the nicest districts I've visited so far is the northern parts of Brooklyn, which reminded me of Majorna (a district in Gothenburg) in many senses. If I were to move to N.Y, I would definently try to get an appartment there.

Here are some random not-so-funny-but-whatever things I've noticed while being here and I'm not gonna elaborate on them either, deal with it.

* 2 out of 3 african-american females is overweighted, for real
* 2 out of 4 caucasian males over 40 aswell
* People here actually eat bags of chips while walking around, riding trains etc. I have never seen that anywhere else so far and I probably never will
* At Burger King, MacDonalds or whatever, they pack your food to-go automatically, like noone has time to sit down and eat
* People overall are more serviceminded and open in general, just standing in line next to someone could be reason enough to start talking
* I just realized almost every discovery I make involves food one way or another

In other reports I was sick for 2 days, illness and headache. My stomache is still fucked up, which really helps while walking around in the city. While I wrote this I experienced the, to this date, biggest disappointment so far about this trip, MacDonalds closed at 11pm.

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